Elementary School
Strategic Plan
Below are Prairie Point's goals for the 2023-2024 school year.
Goal: Build successful futures for Park Hill students of all backgrounds.
- Academic Strategy 1: Deploy MTSS: Expand and systemize intervention processes K-12 for reading and math.
- Academic Strategy 2: Fully deploy a plan to implement AVID schoolwide K-12.
- Academic Strategy 3: Implement culturally responsive education practices.
- Culture Strategy 1: Deploy MTSS: Expand and systemize intervention processes K-12 for behavior.
- Culture Strategy 2: Deploy a system-wide discipline model focused on restorative practices to eliminate gaps in outcomes.
- Culture Strategy 3: Develop and deploy a comprehensive student and staff well-being plan.
- Culture Strategy 4: Implement a preK-12 social emotional learning curriculum.
- Culture Strategy 5: Develop a chart of work to implement the DEIB Drivers and Narratives.
- Culture Strategy 6: Develop and implement a comprehensive plan to increase community engagement.
- Systems Strategy 1: Recruit, retain, and support a high-qualified staff representative of our students.
- Systems Strategy 2: Develop a long-range facilities plan.
- Systems Strategy 3: Sustain a fiscally intentional operating budget reflective of strategic goals.
Full Plan
You can read Prairie Point's full strategic plan here.