Elementary School
About Prairie Point
To create a safe and caring student centered environment, to empower students to be independent learners, problem solvers, and responsible citizens in the 21st Century.
Prairie Point Elementary School provides all children with a safe, caring educational environment that focuses on high expectations and promotes lifelong learning.
- Keep the focus on the student
- Continuous learning and professional growth
- Warm, caring, open-minded environment
- High expectations for all students and adults
- Team work and collaboration
- Empathetic approach with our actions
School Hours
8:15 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.
Students may not arrive earlier than 7:55 a.m., as supervision is not provided.
Park Hill School District is committed to the philosophy that every student should attend every class, every period, every day. Daily attendance and promptness are expected in all classes and are essential for success in school.
Office Hours
7:15 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.